For April's 5 on the 5th photo project, I focused on art projects that kids have created. I'm glad I did because I don't think that I've ever taken photos of all their creations and it's something I want to do and perhaps even create a mini album of the collection.
What is 5 on the 5th?
5 on the 5th is a project where I capture our family's extraordinarily ordinary everyday moments on the 5th day of each month. It's based on the infamous 12 on the 12th photo project we've all heard of., but I changed it up knowing that I wouldn't take the time or remember to take 12 photos each month,.
I chose the number 5, since we have 5 family members.
I chose the number 5, since we have 5 family members.
I use my iPhone to take my photos and post to Instagram throughout the day, tagging the photos with #5onthe5th. If you do a search, you'll see that there are other IG'ers documenting their everyday moments right along with me each 5th day of the month.
I then post our 5 photos here on the blog, but most people don't. I just like to because then I have a permanent record of what I've documented.
Why should you take on another photo project?
If you happen to be thinking, as I often do, that time is precious and you just don't know that you can add another to do item to your list, I perfectly understand. But let me share this, as I look back on all our 5 on the 5th blog posts I see that I've captured moments that I had already forgotten about, that would have been lost if not for the 10 seconds it took me to snap a quick photo.
But I'm single...newly married...we don't have kids...our kids are grown.
If you're single, or are newly married, or don't have any children and think it's not a project for you...you're wrong. Wrong. I would love to have more everyday, detail photos of my days as a single college student. And I know I want photos of Gordon and I when we're the only ones left at home, I pray we have new, never done before adventures of our own to capture and document.
4 | The girls didn't know that I was going with an art theme for #5onthe5th this month, but look at what I spied them doing this afternoon, creating more art! This time they're painting and that's why they're sitting on top of a plastic tablecloth.

5 | Mermaid and Weaving. Created by Victoria and Zach. Zach's weaving won an award in the county Art Show many years ago. And yes, more laundry room art...at least I am surrounded by beauty while I wash, dry, fold and iron.

Thanks to all of you that played along and used the #5onthe5th hashtag on Instagram so that I could drop in to peek at the everyday moments of your extraordinary lives you were documenting!
April 2014
1 | We have a home full of art projects on display and I am in awe of their talents! They take after their DaDa in the artistic arena. I am creative, but couldn't paint a bowl of fruit if I tried. Just as with everything else, each of the kids has their own personal style.
2 | Doesn't everyone have a drawing of themselves hanging on the dryer? We have so many art projects and drawings and creations that Victoria just takes it upon herself to find new ways to display them all. This one has been hanging on the dryer for over a year...and it's still there.
The rug used to be in the Nursery and we've given it a new home in the laundry room, which used to also be my craft room. I had desks lined up on the wall under the window you see in the photo.
3 | The other side of our laundry room has a clay art peace sign made by Zach during a Summer art class and a drawing by Isabella drawn years ago of her most favorite sleep buddy, Princess Kitty. Princess Kitty is now about as flat as that piece of paper and she still sleeps with her. She does not like to think of the day when Kitty won't be part of her bedtime routine.
5 | Mermaid and Weaving. Created by Victoria and Zach. Zach's weaving won an award in the county Art Show many years ago. And yes, more laundry room art...at least I am surrounded by beauty while I wash, dry, fold and iron.
Thanks to all of you that played along and used the #5onthe5th hashtag on Instagram so that I could drop in to peek at the everyday moments of your extraordinary lives you were documenting!
I had to laugh, Monika -- I saw just the header for this post on FB while we were in HI, and said to Mike, OH! It's #5onthe5th tomorrow! We have to play along!! To which he replied, "Um, honey? Tomorrow is the 23rd." :) I'm such a dork. I really was going to do 23 on the 23rd, just for you, but I don't think I got there. LOL!